Brand guidelines

Welcome to the Office Brand Guidelines. This site will provide an introduction to the basic elements of our identity system and how to use them to create our brand expression. Understanding and using the guidelines will ensure that we are building a meaningful and lasting brand, together.

We will continue to evolve this over time so be sure to check back for ongoing updates.

The Office story

Made for achieving

Our ambition is to reinvent productivity around people. We believe achieving isn’t work. Achieving is living. A state of mind and motion filled with passion and purpose. Microsoft Office is made for the people who’re remaking today’s world. People in homes, schools, coffee shops and organizations around the world. Helping them focus their energy together on purpose rather than process. Our purpose is to empower you to achieve yours.

Who we are
The world’s most empowering productivity experience

Office provides the foundation on which people from all walks of life work, communicate, create, and collaborate to get things done and do great things together.

Who we are for
The millennially-minded

A global force inspired to rebuild and retool the world on their own terms and with their own tools. They believe work should be purpose-driven and seek to have higher impact.

Experienced through
The Office collective

We’re a connected system of lifestyle, work and social productivity apps and services. Because our original insight is still correct. No one productivity product can alone satisfy the productivity needs of people. It takes a collective.

The Office personality


We’re filled with positive energy and believe great things will happen. We’re encouraging, knowing people can achieve whatever they set their minds to when given the platform and the support they need. And we’re quick to lift them up, because we see a setback as an inevitable but important, even galvanizing part of achieving.


We thrive on the dynamism in the world and love the way change can open completely new possibilities for people. We’re fearless about reinventing ourselves, continually changing for the better to meet the needs of the people and companies changing the world around us.


Our passion is to help people achieve, and it has been for more than 25 years. We care about it in a way that no one else does. And as people’s needs have changed over the years, so have we. But we’re not making it up as we go or trying to be something we’re not. We speak genuinely and honestly to the needs people have, using language our audiences use, with no overpromises or clichés.


We search for what’s possible beyond today’s way of getting things done. We’re energized by all that people are capable of achieving and seek to support and amplify it through our platform. We not only care about the needs of people today, but tomorrow – anticipating what and how they’ll want to achieve. So we build our technology around who they can be and what they can become.


One Brand
Three Worlds

The Office brand is made up of a set of core elements. They can be combined in various ways to tailor the brand expression to speak to our different audiences. It can be tuned to be more expressive for consumers and more conservative for the enterprise audience.


Our consumer expression is tuned to the expressive side of the vibrancy scale. It is bold and sometimes playful, but also warm and human.

  1. Print

    Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  2. Banner Ad

    Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  3. Web/Social

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

  4. Billboard

    Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

  1. Print

    Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  2. Banner Ad

    Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  3. Web/Social

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

  4. Billboard

    Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

Small Business

Our small business expression is tuned more towards the center of the vibrancy scale. It’s bold and impactful, but slightly less playful and more sophisticated.

  1. Print

    Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  2. Banner Ad

    Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  3. Web/Social

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

  4. Billboard

    Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

  1. Print

    Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  2. Banner Ad

    Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  3. Web/Social

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

  4. Billboard

    Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.


Our enterprise expression is tuned toward the conservative side of the vibrancy scale. It is much less playful and has a more restrained use of color.

  1. Print

    Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  2. Banner Ad

    Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  3. Web/Social

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

  4. Billboard

    Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.

  1. Print

    Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  2. Banner Ad

    Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  3. Web/Social

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

  4. Billboard

    Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.


The Four Ingredients

Office communications are made up of five ingredients: voice, typography, color, photography, and the grid.

This section will show you various ways these ingredients can be combined to express the brand.

  1. Voice
  2. Grid
  3. Color
  4. Typography
  5. Photography & Infographics

Small Business

Ingredient 1


Our three audiences want to achieve unique things. We must convey how Office empowers them in a way that’s uniquely relevant to them while expressing our four personality characteristics – optimistic, dynamic, authentic, and forward-thinking.


We know they have an unwritten book inside of them. An unfinished marathon ahead of them. A great school they want to get into. And we want nothing more than to help as they go about achieving the things they’re passionate about.

Small Business

We know that to them, there’s nothing small about their small business. It’s their life. So we’ll work to understand their unique challenges and do everything we can to help them achieve whatever it is they want.


We see them as our equal. A peer. In the new world of work, we know the challenges they face better than anyone. And we’ll be on this journey by their side, learning exactly what they want to achieve so we can give them exactly what they need to do it.

Adjusting language by audience

Word choice can help tailor the tone of voice to be more expressive for our consumer audience and more conservative for our enterprise audience.

Small Business
Make the most of
Get the most from
You, friends, family
People, groups
Employees, teams
Home, school, workspace
Workspace, work place
Work together
Planning, looking ahead
Security, privacy, compliance

Ingredient 2

A Modular Grid System

The use of the grid system can be hugely beneficial in helping to ensure consistency across our design language. Grids can act as an aid to achieve ordered structure within your design.

The grid is based off a 1/4 “ square but can scale to accomodate different proportions and layouts.

Ingredient 3

Core Office

The use of colors outside of the core brand palate is not recommended for any marketing communications. The mix of colors lessens the ownability of the orange and while color combinations. It also diminishes the overall modern aesthetic that the brand is trying to achieve.

It’s vital you use the right color values for screen vs. print. Use RGB or Hex values for digital applications. Use CMYK or PMS values when creating content for print. They may not look right on screen, but they will print correctly.

Office Orange

Pantone 1665 C/U
C0 M88 Y100 K0
R220 G68 B5
Hex #DC4405

Cool Gray

Pantone 427 C/U
C7 M3 Y5 K8
R208 G211 B212
Hex #D0D3D4

Warm Gray

Pantone Warm Grawy 1 C/U
C1 M1 Y2 K3
R242 G239 B236


Pantone Neutral Black C/U
C0 M0 Y0 K100
R78 G74 B71
Hex #333333


R0 G0 B0


Use of product colors as defined in the guidelines are still valid. Product UX still uses color as a differentiator.

*Additional product specific guidelines coming soon.

Small business

Use of product colors as defined in the guidelines are still valid. Product UX still uses color as a differentiator.

*Additional product specific guidelines coming soon.


Use of product colors as defined in the guidelines are still valid. Product UX still uses color as a differentiator.

*Additional product specific guidelines coming soon.

Product Colors

Use of product colors as defined in the guidelines are still valid. Product UX still uses color as a differentiator.


PMS 269
C75 M100 Y0 K25
R68 G35 B89
Hex #442359


PMS 526
C75 M100 Y0 K0
R104 G33 B122
Hex #68217A


PMS 300
C100 M50 Y0 K0
R0 G114 B198
Hex #0072C6


PMS 286
C100 M75 Y0 K0
R0 G24 B143
Hex #00188F


PMS 660
C80 M60 Y0 K0
R70 G104 B197
Hex #4668C5


PMS 300
C100 M50 Y0 K0
R0 G114 B198
Hex #0072C6


PMS 348
C100 M0 Y100 K25
R0 G114 B51
Hex #007233


PMS 355
C100 M0 Y100 K0
R0 G158 B73
Hex #009E49


PMS 3295
C100 M0 Y50 K25
R0 G130 B114
Hex #008272


PMS 1807
C0 M100 Y100 K25
R186 G20 B26
Hex #BA141A


PMS 1665
C0 M85 Y100 K0
R221 G89 B0
Hex #DD5900

Power BI

Pantone 124
C0 M25 Y100 K0
R255 G185 B0
Hex #FFB900

Ingredient 4

Pro, Ui and Display

The Microsoft brand typeface, Segoe, expresses our nature—clean, human, and versatile—visually. Segoe is an essential and long-standing element of our brand identity. Use it for everything that you create in English, European languages, Greek, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, and Arabic.

Date Released: 2000, licensed by microsoft in 2003 + extended the font family
Category: Humanist Sans Serif
Designer: Steve Matteso
Foundry:  Agfa Monotype

For more information about using Segeo, refer to the type guidelines on Brand Central.

Font Use

Use Segoe UI for live text (HTML, PPT, UX) and Segoe Pro for print, motion graphics, and other non-adjustable use cases.

Use sentence case, not all uppercase or lowercase.

If type will be used larger than 1 inch (25 mm) tall, use the “display” version of the font. Refer to the type guidelines on Brand Central.

Font Sizes

Different font-sizes not only generate visual impact, but also provide communications with a hint at the hierarchy of the information.

Large words are the entry points, the top-level elements in the content’s information architecture and page’s hierarchy. It’s a very efficient way of guiding the reader’s eyes through the communication.

Keep the communication simple by limiting the amount of font sizes to three.

Insure that a clear hierarchy of information is represented by creating enough contrast between type sizes and styles.

Font Size Scale Table

This table shows different type sizes that can be used together as a type scale. This will save you some time with the math.

Choose a type style from above (Big Headline, Medium Headline, Small Headline, or Body Copy). Then move across the columns to find the appropriate pairing with another type style.

Type sizes follow a simple formula: Each type size must be a minimum of 30% different than the other type sizes.

Ingredient 5
Photography & Infographics


Office photography should express experiences that recognize what people want and need to be their most engaged and fulfilled in their working and personal productive lives. Office photography allows us to feel in touch with the subjects photographed. However, the aesthetic qualities of ‘Office realism’ are not a question of sameness or equivalence, but an identifiable moment that captures work when it is the most engaging and meaningful. People are at the heart of productivity.


Steeped in the roots of documentary photography, using grain as texture can soften the sharp, inorganic edge of digital photography, giving the image a sense of authenticity.

Small Business

Office empowers individuals to work in their own way. Depth of focus allows us to isolate subject matter and heighten its importance.


Making the lens a viewer—a sort of peek behind the curtain—offers an intimate vantage point to experience the scene. This adds another layer of

Guidance regarding motion and sound will be provided soon. Until then, please refer to the Microsoft guidelines on Brand Central.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sed sapien quam. Sed dapibus est id enim facilisis, at posuere turpis adipiscing. Quisque sit amet dui dui.


Nulla dictum tincidunt turpis eu consequat. Sed adipiscing eros a nisi dictum mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus urna lorem, porta sed congue ut, sollicitudin quis erat. Phasellus condimentum odio elit, in placerat augue congue ac.

Small business

Infographics Visual Metaphors

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores, officia tempore soluta architecto nemo delectus ex ducimus mollitia aut reiciendis.


Infographics Glyphs

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores, officia tempore soluta architecto nemo delectus ex ducimus mollitia aut reiciendis.


Infographics Data

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores, officia tempore soluta architecto nemo delectus ex ducimus mollitia aut reiciendis.

Venn Diagram
Pie Graph
Area Graph
Bar Graph
Column Graph
Radial Graph
Type A
Type B
Type C

The Office

Displaying the Office name

For details about using Segoe for offering names, see the live text offering name guidelines and the type guidelines on Brand Central.

Office is a Microsoft-led offering, so it no longer has a symbol attached to the name. Instead, we display the Office name in live text in the Segoe font.

Clear Space

The Office name is always framed with the proportions of the Office “O.” This allows the correct amount of clear space around the name.

Color Usage

The name can be used in these color combinations. If the secondary product colors are introduced, then Office can only be shown in black or white, never orange.


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